Monitoring & Inspections
Draw Inspections are an essential part of risk management. Weissman Construction Services provides Draw Inspections services to Lenders & Investors of market rate and affordable housing projects. Our services are utilized by Lenders, Investors and Bonding Company’s to validate the appropriateness of a contractor’s funding requests before any payments are made.
Our Draw Inspection Reports include:
A site visit at or near the bill-thru date
Collection and review of the contractor’s application (including back up documentation and lien waivers)
A review of the percentage of the work completed
Change Order review
Identification of stored materials onsite
Inspection, as necessary, of any materials stored offsite that are included in the pay request (including invoices, location information, facility insurance and bonds)
A schedule review and projected completion date
An opinion of the quality of the work
Recommendations and Comments
Photos and Attachments